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Core Bioinformatics group


BSc in Integrated Sciences (2018-2022)

MPhil in Clinical Neurosciences (2022-)


I completed my BSc in Neuroscience and Physiology in 2022 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. During my undergraduate studies, I further studied neuroanatomy and human physiology as part of the group of Professor Wayne Vogl. From my second year onwards, I integrated data science into my degree and began studying neurological pathways from a computational/ data analysis point of view.

I joined the Core Bioinformatics group (Mohorianu Lab) and the Pluchino Lab (Clinical Neurosciences) in October 2022 as an MPhil student. The co-supervision shared between Professor Pluchino and Dr Mohorianu seamlessly summarises my interests since it combines the integration of various expression data (mRNA and ncRNA expression, proteomics and metabolomics) with the in-depth understanding of cellular behaviours. My project will focus on the biology of disease pacemaker neural stem cells using bulk and single-cell datasets processed using classical and novel machine learning methods.

Contact Details

yz830 at
Available for consultancy
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest