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Core Bioinformatics group

Performance of SVM model with a variety of kernels on seed features using 10-fold cross-validation on a set of H. sapiens miRNA/mRNA interactions validated by Immunoprecipitation experiments. The distribution of training and test accuracy across cross-val
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Performance of SVM model with a variety of kernels on seed features using 10-fold cross-validation on a set of H. sapiens miRNA/mRNA interactions validated by Immunoprecipitation experiments. The distribution of training and test accuracy across cross-val
Title Text: 
Performance of SVM model with a variety of kernels on seed features using 10-fold cross-validation on a set of H. sapiens miRNA/mRNA interactions validated by Immunoprecipitation experiments. The distribution of training and test accuracy across cross-val
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest